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Field Rules 

Spectators MUST remain on the pavilion side of white line
Blue Arrows - Pilots are limited by Visual line of Site in those directions
  • It is your responsibility to know, understand, and follow all AMA and Washington County Parks & Recreation Rules.

  • Never fly beyond the entranced road in the direction  of the ball field.

  • Never taxi into the pits.

  • If you are not using a 2.4 GHz spread-spectrum radio, always participate in transmitter  impounding and frequency control procedures.

  • Replace   transmitter in the rack and take down your frequency pin immediately after flying.

  • Never fly over the pit area.

  • Do not fly over, or directly toward, the pit area.

  • Takeoffs and landings are to be done only on the runway.

  • No parking beyond the pavilion.

  • Do not land from the far end of the field towards the pilot boxes - unless you are the only person on the field at the time.

  • Members are not required to confront anyone, and this is otherwise covered by revised Rule 1. Guests are not permitted to fly without a permit.

  • If  you are the last one leaving the field, lock the gate after you pass through.   

  • Notify the Sheriff’s Department or the Washington County Department of Parks and Recreation if you need to use a Bow & Arrow to recover  your aircraft from a tree.

  • Never cut trees to recover an aircraft.

  • Announce all takeoffs and landings to other pilots.

  • Make all pilots aware if you walk onto the runway.

  • Make all lengthy ground engine runs in remote area - not in the pits.

  • Have someone help you start and hold you airplane in the pits.

  • Avoid flying alone.

  • Flying is permitted at the Model Aircraft Field Only.


Parks & Recreation Dept. phone: (724) 228-6867.

Washington County Sheriff phone: (724) 228-6840.

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